Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Camp packing list

Reporting time: 8am, Thursday @ Si Ling Sec

Packing list by day
Day one
1. Report in any school tee shirt + any shorts + shoes ( no slippers)
2. a set of clothing for shower and change at night
3. pen for daily reflections and drill stages
4. Full Uniform + Name Tag + GB boots and socks
5. water bottle (the kind that can take hot water also, if not bring an additional cup)
6. sleeping bag
7. jacket/sweater if necessary ( sleeping in air-con room)
8. slippers for shower
9. shower foam and shampoo
10. towel
11. hanger (for hanging wet towel)

Day Two
1. GB polo tee and shorts and shoes for night safari
2. any school tee shirt + any shorts + shoes for drill stages
3. money for dinner during night safari (around $5-$10)
4. Water bottle
5. Full Uniform + Name Tag + GB boots and socks (same as day one)
6. EZ-link card
7. a set of clothing for shower and change at night(same as day one)
8. sleeping bag ( same as day one)
9. jacket/sweater if necessary (same as day one)
10. slippers for shower (same as day one)
11. shower foam and shampoo (same as day one)
12. towel (same as day one)

Day Three
1. any school tee shirt + any shorts + shoes
2. Water bottle (same as day one)
3. Full Uniform + Name Tag + GB boots and socks (same as day one)

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