Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tuesday, 2 Sep SANA

meet at 7:30am @ siling. Marilyn will be there
Attire: GB Polo T-shirt (blue) and School Skirt and Name Tag, School Shoes

Cooking Photos!

Photos! thought you girls would be excited to see these...but first!

Just wanna say you all did excellent work to produce a beautiful result. You should all be so proud of yourself. Please brag to your parents and tell them what a lovely project you completed. Can show them the photos too. You were so hard-working and gave your best! Yes, it was tiring! (is this the hardest you ever worked??) When something needed to be done, you did it! You hardly complained (just a little, but we all understand), and you were (mostly) on time and super responsible. Well done!