Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Combined Camp Packing List

Reporting Time: Fuchun Sec 8:15am Friday Morning
Reporting Attire: GB Polo tee, School Skirt (shorts inside) + Shoes

Things to bring
- 1 set of School uniform + school tie (COMPULSORY)
- 4 sets of School / BB/GB or home t- shirt
- 4 pair of shorts
- 1 extra pair of clothing for dirty games
- Undergarments
- Toiletries (toothpaste, tooth brush, comb, bath towel, soap and shampoo, etc.)
- Shoes and 3 pairs of socks
- Slippers/ sandals
- A pair of extra shoe laces (any kind will do, for game purposes)
- Stationary(pen, pencil, notebook etc)
- Any medications if needed for self
- Windbreakers/ jackets/ track pants (optional, in case its cold at night)
- Sleeping bags (optional)
- Water Bottle

Things not to bring
- Handphones/electronics
- Lump sum of money
- BB/GB uniform!

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